A great deal has happened on the server over the weekend. First off, Hyde's Tower has again been expanded, this time to the East, and now straddles the channel that separated it from the landmass Government Central Station is on. The new land has been flattened and is ready for development. In addition, a few new buildings have been constructed in the city. A Woodworks now stands on Trowbridge Street next to the Arsenal, and next door to that MikeXIV built a treehouse. Just around the corner, Turtletuttle erected a building in the form of a cake, a building filled with cakes. It is most creative.
The rail system has seen considerable development as well. The continuous mainline now reaches from Northrend in the north to the Southern Wilds in the south. Everything south of Hyde's Tower is now electrified rail, while the lines to the north are still running on conventional boosters. The new arrangement has made South Station even more vulnerable than in the past to bounceback caused by a cart already waiting the the station when a new one arrives (in fact, bounceback under such circumstances is virtually guaranteed.) Also, the line through the Central Forest has proven vulnerable to creepers for some reason in a way it wasn't before, and a large section of track is missing and has yet to be replaced.
Finally, because a few people have requested it, I've added a Minecraft Hardware Fund tracker to the sidebar of the Blog. It doesn't auto-update, but it is tied into the spreadsheet I use to track the fund, so it is as accurate as my records.
There has also been a somewhat odd development on the boundaries of the world. A large number of cliff faces when exploring new terrain implies either the world seed or the algorithm used to create terrain may have changed. More observations from individuals in the Deep Range would be appreciated in determining what's happening at the edges of our space.