Today in Minecraft, the Highwind was refitted with two experimental new tracks designed to throw minecarts long distances. Alas, neither was very successful. Running a minecart at high speed off a track on the prow only saw a few meters of progress before it impacted on the desert below, and loading a minecart, on the track or off, into the main cannon succeeded only in returning the minecart to its resource block. Alas, there will be no flying minecarts providing high-speed air service in the near future.
Meanwhile, Arco continues development, removing some of its temporary structures and connecting properly to the Causeway. The MikeXIV Railway Company continues its program of advancement, building a new proving ground for testing station and launcher designs. Finally the last few bits of the map of Civilization have been filled in, yielding a more complete picture of our world.
Also, Baronweasle walks among us again, having returned from his sojourn to the Deep Range North. Little is known of his time spent away, but apparently whatever lurks up there now grows on its own, beyond the control of its creator.