A few bits of housekeeping. First, I've gotten a number of inquiries regarding server performance. We're now regularly running with 8 people logged in at the same time, sometimes for hours on end, and the lag is getting significant. I traced the issue down to the server. HAL9000, the computer on which we run, was originally built as a test box, and has specs as such. It turns out that the issues we've been having have been a result of memory underflow -- HAL is using both GB to the limit and is swapping like crazy. To that end, I've ordered a new set of memory chips to quadruple the RAM onboard in hopes of fixing the issue. They should arrive Wednesday, and we can expect downtime Thursday morning when I install them.
That said, this ends up being about a $110 outlay, and between that and the UPS's, I'm not above putting out a jar. So if you feel that the server is worth the expense, and you're welcome to contribute with the PayPal button now on the right navbar. I guarantee that anything donated will go directly to the server's upkeep.
Finally, a bit of a retrospective. As many of you know, I need logs of the camera on Bronzite.net, so below is a video of the last 54 days. It starts roughly with the construction of Castle Wells. I recommend watching in 1080 resolution for the most detail as we built our world together.
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