Built on 23 January 2011 by Bronzite
Height: 59 meters
New Tower:
Built on 25 January 2011 by Bronzite
Highest Occupiable Floor: 58 meters
Highest Block: 59 meters
Built on 8 February 2011 by Awells
The Spiral Fortress was built on 23 January after I set out to find my original cabin I built when I first logged on. I spent 3 days game-time in the field, and never found the cabin on that trip, but I established a new camp site southeast of the spawn point. Once I had found my way back to Hyde's Tower, and established the rough relative positions of the town and my new campsite, I returned there and built a perimeter wall, and Spiral Fortress got its name from the block steps winding around the 1x1 block stack that I used to try to find something I could recognize while lost in the woods. Two days later, following suit with Hyde's Tower, a new cobblestone facade was placed on the tower, and after that, a new set of cobblestone to provide a spiral pattern to the now much larger tower.
Spiral has become something of a backwoods settlement, but on 8 February Awells went there and expanded the wall to encompass twice as much area, and built four cabins inside to provide living space for people based out of the fortress. On 18 February South Station became operational on an island in the harbor just west of Spiral, bringing a new surge of activity at the location, and shortly after a subway between the station and the mines under the fortress were installed. It now has most of the facilities of Hyde's Tower, except for the public stores, and provides easier access to areas east and south. It is unclear at this time if the town is destined to fade into obscurity and disrepair, or if something greater lies in the future for this location.
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